Our Commitment
Our aim is to do the work we love, and do it well – this is where we start. The following six standards are the ethos we hold ourselves to, and are what we believe to be the factors that make for the best, most mutually rewarding relationships with our customers. As they say, “the proof is in the pudding,” so check out our Google Reviews to see how we’ve lived this commitment out.

Establish Trust
As we all know, actions speak louder than words, and at Northside we make sure that every interaction with a customer coveys the true message of our vision: “Service on Your Side”. We don’t play games or withhold information from our customers; on the contrary, we want you to feel comfortable dealing with a problem that most people have no knowledge of – air conditioning. That’s why, for example, all our invoices are very detailed as to what we do, and we always inform you beforehand of the costs prior to performing any work. We trust our customers just as they trust us – that’s our promise.

Here For You
Whether it be a complete install or performing a simple repair to your system we are always more than happy to educate our customers. If you have any questions just ask. We believe that an educated customer can make smarter decisions about their HVAC needs, saving them time, money and energy year-round.

Every job is approached with the same level of detail and professionalism. It turns out that the smallest details are the ones that have the biggest impact when it comes to HVAC. When we leave a job site people usually say “Wow, our air conditioning is working better than ever, how come?”. We like to raise the bar when it comes to paying attention to what matters.

Unflinchingly Fair
“Too good to be true” may be rare reality for most, well, we redefine the meaning, and in our case we are too good… and it’s true. How about “bending over backwards?” When it comes to customer satisfaction we will stop at nothing to make things right. Occasionally something may go wrong, or a customer can be confused about a feature, and if we need to come back we always come back, often times without charging anything. That’s the type of service we want, so we give it to you.

Professionally Groomed
The way you look says a lot about who you are and how you carry yourself. We like to dress to impress, so we make sure our uniforms are clean and tidy. We also like to drive service vehicles that look sharp… the kind you don’t mind parking in your driveway. The last thing you want is for someone to show up at your doorstep wearing a dirty t-shirt and ragged jeans. It all comes together as an experience that is second to none, the Northside experience.

Informed & Prepared
We are well-versed with the technology related to heating and air. We are one of the few companies that truly understand whole home dehumidifiers, humidifiers as well as smart technology such as internet connected thermostats and voice command. We also use state-of-the-art tools that are more accurate and offer greater reliability than their analog counterparts.